2012: 12/12/12 and 12/23/12: An amazing time of change.

2012If you haven’t been hiding under a rock then you have likely heard about the Mayan prophecy that the “end of the world” was predicted for 12/21/2012.

Some people take this to literally to mean that our world is going to undergo some great catastrophe. Then there are those who are unaware of the significance of these dates, or simply don’t believe in them. Finally, there are people like me who see a deeper picture.

2012 is about a celestial alignment that happens once only every 25,000 years. The Mayans believed that the alignment of the stars during certain periods of time – usually lasting hundreds to thousands of years – actually worked to manifest physical bounties such as lush crops, abundance, health, success, and other things. It has been said that the Mayan pyramids (and also the Egyptian pyramids) were built at strategic places that fully utilized the celestial power of those blessings. When a particular period of abundance ended, the Mayans would abandon the pyramids and surrounding cities because the celestial power was no longer active in that location. Each cycle had its own characteristics, much like the reading of a horoscope today.

Bringing this into context of the present day, we are now at the end of a 5,000 year celestial cycle as well as a larger one of 25,000 years. Personally, I don’t believe December 21, 2012 will mark the physical end of the world, but what it will bring about is a change in celestial powers. One phase is ending and another is beginning.

From a spiritual point of view, 12/21/2012 also marks the end of the Age of Pisces (the last 2,000 years) and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. The prophesies for this time have ranged from Armageddon to Heaven on Earth.

In my studies on this subject I have come across information that states this unique period in time is mainly about the planet Earth. That “she” (Earth) is an actual sentient being that is evolving to the next dimension. That may sound far-fetched, but when you consider that we are all made up of the same universal source of energy it makes more sense. We are all one, and this includes the planet Earth.

As the Earth evolves, we will have an opportunity to evolve with her. When she rises to the next dimension her vibrational frequency will also increase. We humans have the opportunity to rise to this next level along with her. To do so, we simply need to work on raising our own vibration. ”How do we do that?” you ask.

You can raise your vibration by thinking, feeling, and doing things that make you and the people and things around you feel good. When you are loving, understanding, and compassionate you are vibrating at a higher frequency. When you are angry, mad, vengeful, or worrying, you are vibrating at a lower frequency.

You see, when the Earth rises to a higher vibration, which is already happening, it will affect us by magnifying whatever is on our minds and in our hearts. It is also creating great change. It has been said that whatever is not working for the betterment of society as a whole will change. This applies to our world in many ways, and it also applies to us. It will be interesting to see how and when these changes take place. Again, we will see many of the old ways of doing things replaced with new ways that benefit everyone.

Have you recently noticed any dramatic life altering change in your life – a sickness, a new job, or other challenges? If so, you are likely going through the spiritual awakening process. It is a period where challenging life events often happen to teach you the lessons you need to know in the new era and to awaken the divine you inside. I know because I went through this process myself.

Do you see the same numbers all the time – like 11:11, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, and 1234? They are signs of the change.

In Doreen Virtue’s book, Angel Numerology 101, many of these numbers are said to mean that the angels and Ascended Masters (Jesus, Buddha, and others) are with us, and that we should keep our thoughts positive because our thoughts are manifesting much faster due to the planet’s raised vibration. This is the law of attraction on steroids. Manifesting sooner is great if you are trying to create something you want, but in these times we must also be careful to stay positive all the time because we will start to manifest situations that match whatever we are thinking and feeling. If we are angry then we will attract angry people. If we are worried then we will attract situations that are aligned with worrying. So, now more than ever focus on being positive. Attract happiness by being happy.

It has been said that the future of mankind is being decided by our collective consciousness. You may see a lot of negativity from society but consider this. The Ascended Masters have said that one person focused on love generates energy whose strength is equivalent to that of thousands of people focused on fear and hate.

So, on 12/12/12 at 12:12 am or pm, and 12/21/12 at 12:21 am or pm, please join me (and the rest of our world) in focusing on peace, love, and positive intentions for yourself, everyone on the planet and the planet Earth herself. The power of focused intent by large groups of people around the world at the same time can create miracles. In this case, it can create the positive future for our planet that we so desire.

Love, light, abundance to you.

Joe Rapisarda



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2 Responses to 2012: 12/12/12 and 12/23/12: An amazing time of change.

  1. Jacinta December 13, 2012 at 3:33 am #

    This is so beautiful. Many of us fear this day, i know i used to. I had read many theories about the ‘end of the world’, three days of darkness, Maya prophecies, and many more… but then i realised that its not a physical destruction of everything around us, but a spiritual construction, an elevation, an awareness. This is nothing to fear but a time to rejoice. 🙂


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