How to Make a Connection with Your Angels

Angel-Tarot-Cards-Virtue-Doreen-9781401937263I recently went to San Jose, California to get certified by Doreen Virtue as an official Angel Tarot Card reader.

Doreen Virtue is one of my unofficial mentors in the subject of spirituality. I have learned a lot from her books and seminars.  Each time I go to one of her live events I get a special connection with the Angels that is unmistakable.

Since my spiritual awakening a number of years ago, I have been able to receive messages from the angels and other loving spiritual beings in my daily life.  It’s been an amazing experience.  The Angels speak to different people in different ways.

In her book, Angel Therapy, Doreen Virtue says that some people see them a persons, or as lights or orbs.  The Angels are also often heard as a voice.  Still others receive guidance from them with recurring thoughts and intuition.

The Angels love to leave us signs – especially if they know we are listening.  They often have us see the same sequence of numbers or through coincidence occurrences that support our prayers or intention. The ways they can contact us are limitless.

The great thing is that anyone who wants to have a relationship with their Angels can.  By universal law, you are given free will, this means that angels cannot interfere in your life unless you ask them to.  I know once I did, it wasn’t long before I started seeing signs of them everywhere. They are like helpers that are here to assist us with anything. No task is too big or too small for them.

The Angels simply want to help us. Their goal is to create and spread peace and love.  In fact, I am sure the Angels and other beings of light helped me with much of the inspiration for my book, Awaken Your Power!, and facilitated it becoming a best seller on

Angel Card Reading

A great way begin connecting with your Angels is through a reading.  Doreen Virtue created Angel Tarot cards, which give the Angels a medium to communicate to us their message. The cards have been remade from the original Tarot cards so that they are always loving and safe for use.

Do you have issues in your life where you are struggling with money, health, relationships, love, or anything else? The Angels can provide guidance to you.

Interested in getting a reading? Click here.


Happy Manifesting…

Joe Rapisarda

Author / Speaker / Empowerment Coach

Twitter @JoeRapisarda

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P.S. Want to learn the Law of Attraction? Check out this video at

One Response to How to Make a Connection with Your Angels

  1. Shane Knight July 9, 2013 at 6:50 am #

    loved the way you define to connect with angels will definitely come back to you and for your references too

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