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Author Archive | Joe
Chilean Minors Rescue: The Power of Prayer and Thought Creates a Miracle.
We recently witness a modern day miracle when 33 miners we rescued after being trapped more than 2,000 feet down in a mine in Chile for an amazing 69 days. When the miners first became trapped their chances of survival were next to nonexistent. Many people had considered them as good as dead. Still the […]
What It Means to be Grounded, Centered, or Present.
What Does It Mean to Be Grounded, Centered, or Present? I struggled with this for many years as my spiritual teachers often told me that I need to be more grounded but they never told me what that meant. After years of wondering what this meant, it finally came to me. Being grounded, centered, or […]
Prayer, Meditation, and Creative Thinking
Today, while looking through Facebook I saw quite a few people who were asking for prayer for themselves or family members that were experiencing some type of crisis. It seems that we all need help at one time or another. I remember years ago, even though I believed in God, I felt that prayer was […]
My Spiritual Awakening
I consider myself a normal person who has, over a number of years and many life experiences become spiritually awakened. In my early thirties, my life began to change. First, for some unknown reason, I became very interested in spirituality and energy. I did not know why but I began to read every book I […]