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Peace Process

The Peace Process

The Peace Process is a simple yet powerful technique to get rid of any fear, worry, anxiety, anger or other negativity within your body.   Let me know what you think about this technique or if you have any questions. Want to learn more?  Click here to get my free report, “How the Law of […]

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Unveiled Mysteries

How to Manifest Desires into Physical Reality

In the book, Unveiled Mysteries, Ascended Master St. Germain speaks on how to use the Law of Attraction to manifest desires into physical reality. He defines a three step process. Step 1. Decide what it is you want. Get clear on exactly what you want. (Most people never do this. They just think in generalities […]

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Time for a “Life” Checkup

Let’s do a self-check-up. Imagine that you found out today that you only have a month to live. How does that make you feel about the life you have lived so far? Did you get to do enough? Did you travel the world? Where you a good person? Did you help others? Were you happy? […]

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