Law of Attraction Poem – A Gift from a Dream.

One night while I was writing my book, Awaken Your Power: The Secret of Life Revealed – How Your Thoughts Create Your Reality,  I woke up from a dream with the inspiration for a poem about the law of attraction.

As fast as I could, I grabbed a pen and a notepad and began to write down the lines to a poem. When I was finished I looked in amazement at the simplicity and wisdom of the words.  It covers all the basic things a person needs to know about the law of attraction.  I feel I can praise this poem without feeling like I am bragging because I don’t honestly believe I was the one who wrote it.  Yes, it came from my mind, and my hand wrote it down, but I feel I was given this inspiration and knowledge by a higher power that was helping me write my book so I could help others. (Note: this was not an isolated incidence.  Throughout the writing of my book, I felt I was channeling intuitive insight from unseen helpers.)

I decided to call the poem, “Thoughts Are Things”, because it shares how our thoughts are alive with energy and how they work to attract the future we experience.  Here is the poem:

Thoughts are Things

Whatever you think, whatever you feel,

It doesn’t matter if it’s make-believe, or if it is real.

Thoughts are things that go out into the unknown

To bring you back whatever you’ve sown.

Positive thoughts vibrate high,

While negative thoughts vibrate low.

Just focus on your own thoughts to see how your future will go.

You see, your thoughts are a map of where you are headed,

And your feelings decide if that direction is welcome,

Or if it is dreaded.

So change how you think to change how you feel,

And watch how the universe attracts to you,

That which you have made real.


Here’s what the poem means:

Part 1.  “Whatever you think, whatever you feel, it doesn’t matter if it’s make-believe or if it is real.”

This means that your subconscious mind cannot distinguish between what is real and what you are imagining. It interprets all your thoughts as “real” and it assumes that whatever you are thinking about you want in your life.

Part 2.  “Thoughts are things that go out into the unknown to bring you back whatever you’ve sown.”

This means the energy (vibrational frequency) of your thoughts will align with the energy of whatever you are thinking about to attract people, situations, and events into your life that match the energy of your thoughts. The word “sown” was used because it means to plant a seed.  The seeds of your thoughts tend to grow into the plants of reality.

Part 3.  “Positive thoughts vibrate high, while negative thoughts vibrate low.”

This talks about the vibrational frequency of thoughts.  Positive thoughts such as joy, love, compassion, appreciation and hope vibrate with a higher, lighter, and faster frequency.  Negative thoughts such as anger, hate, worry, fear, and greed vibrate at a lower, slower, and heavier frequency. The amazing thing is that we , as human beings, get to choose our own frequency, and consequently the things we will attract, through the thoughts we think about.

Part 4.  “Just focus on your own thoughts to see how your future will go.  You see your thoughts are a map of where you are headed and your feelings decided if that direction is welcome or if it is dreaded.”

This means that your feelings are your built-in navigation system for using the law of attraction.  If your feelings feel good to you then you are attracting energy that is helpful to you.  If your feelings feel bad to you  then you are attracting energy that is not good for you. It’s as simple as that. Learning to become aware of your feelings is a big step in learning to master the law of attraction.

Part 5.  “So change how you think to change how you feel, and watch how the universe attracts to you that which you have made real.”

This means that if you don’t like the way your feelings feel to you, you can change the way you think to change the way you feel. When you change the way you feel, you change your energy and the energy you are attracting.

The last part, “and watch how the universe attracts to you that which you have made real”, closes up the poem by stating that your focus will attract physical manifestations in your life that mirror your thoughts.

I encourage you to memorize this poem and say it to yourself daily.  Any time you are in a spot where life doesn’t seem to be going your way, you should say this poem to yourself so that you can change how you are thinking to change how you feel.  This will allow you to start attracting better energy into your life.  I know because I have used method many times in my own life to help me overcome many of the life challenges that we all face.

I hope you have enjoyed this poem.  As I said earlier, I feel the knowledge in it was a gift to me and now it is a gift to you.

Until next time,

Joe Rapisarda

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