Real Heroes Fail and Make Mistakes But Still Find a Way to Succeed!

“Real heroes are men who fall and fail and are flawed, but win out in the end because they’ve stayed true to their ideals and beliefs and commitments.” – Kevin Costner

I like this quote because it enlightens us to the fact that mistakes and failures are part of life that everyone experiences. Those who are focused on success, achievement, or ideals are able to see failures as only temporary setbacks to achieving their goals. In fact, failures are a part of success. If we never failed how would we learn to get better?

To me, a hero is someone who sets aside fear or worry and pushes ahead to accomplish a worthy goal. A hero may be someone who saves a child from a burning building, rescues a drowning swimmer, or even someone less dramatic, a single mother who earns a college degree while taking of care her family while working two jobs.  A hero is someone who says, “I don’t care that people may say the odds are against me – I’m going to make it happen!” It was John Wayne that said, “Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway.”

I often use this example in my Empowerment life coaching sessions where I help people to determine what they want and then show them how to think, feel, and do things that will make it a reality.  In achieving goals, failures are a normal part of achieving success because you never really fail at anything until you quit.

What is your definition of a hero?

Focus, Feel, and Expect your future and it will come.

Joe Rapisarda

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