What I learned in my year at the Berkeley Psychic Institute.

Intuitively, I have always felt that every human mind has latent psychic skills waiting to be awakened.

Over the years, I often wondered how come no institution taught the fundamentals of the powers of the mind and spirituality.

Then, one day, (undoubtedly through the workings of the Law of Attraction) I happened to come across such a place — The Berkeley Psychic Institute (BPI).  When I visited, my attention was immediately drawn to a series of classes called ‘psychic kindergarten” (as I later found out, the name implied that the material was so easy to grasp, even a child could do it).

In reality, it was easy to learn but it did require time and repetitive effort.  The course consisted of nine classes, each a month long:

  1. Meditation 1
  2. Meditation 2
  3. Meditation 3
  4. Healing 1
  5. Healing 2
  6. Healing 3
  7. Male Energy 1 (Or female Energy if you were female)
  8. Male Energy 2
  9. Male Energy 3

When I attended the first class, I had my guard up.  I noticed that an advanced member was called Reverend and the Church was called the Church of Divine Man.  I wondered ‘was this place legitimate’?  Was it a cult?  Were they overly religious?  I was very skeptical.

As time progressed, I learned that the title of the church was necessary for the organization from a legal standpoint, but all in all, they did not follow any stringent organized rules or standards.  Each person had his or her own beliefs which were openly accepted by the other members.  I remember asking one of the teachers about God, and he gave me his honest answer, but prefaced it by saying, “This is my picture of the Creator”.  This very humble response showed me that he had his ego under control and was simply sharing his beliefs, not pushing them on me as the only truth.  I found this place to be very refreshing.

So you are probably asking yourself, “What did you learn there?”

Initially, I expected to see people levitating things, Gypsies reading Tarot cards, and stuff like that.  What I found was quite the opposite.  Yes, I did encounter some individuals who were undeniably psychically gifted, but most of the people there, in my opinion, were ‘normal’-looking men and women who had learned to hone a skill that is available to all of us.

What BPI taught me was that we are energy beings in physical bodies.  The course was presenting the necessary skills to work with the larger non-physical parts of ourselves in order for us to live more enriched lives and to open up greater avenues of growth and manifesting power.

That was truly amazing!  I learned the fundamentals of managing my own human and spiritual essence.  I was also taught how to use the power of imagination for achieving desired effects in both the spiritual and physical worlds.  Since I was already a student of the Law of Attraction, the idea of using my mind to create was not foreign to me.

The first subject I studied in Meditation 1 class was grounding.


During the first three months in Meditation 1, 2, and 3, I learned how to ground myself to the core of the Earth and exchange energy with her.  First, I had to be present in my own mind.  This one is a biggie.  BPI instructs you to see yourself as your consciousness inside your own mind, observing everything that you do.  They teach that when you are conscious of what you are doing, then your spirit is with you, but when your mind wanders off or starts daydreaming — your spirit goes off as well.  Grounding helps to align the spirit with the body for maximum effectiveness.

So once I centered my mind, I then imagined a “Protection Rose” surrounding my body and aura.  This protects me from any unwanted energies.

Next I imagined sending a long piece of cable (or anything else) that runs from my 1st chakra, located at the base of the spine, to the center of the earth.  Then I enlarged that cable to the size of my body and hollowed it out.  Then I mentally dumped any unwelcome energy and negativity down that hollow cable.

The next step was to imagine bringing in the Earth’s energy through the soles of my feet into my pelvis and down that grounding wire.

The Earth is willing and able to take any negative energy from me while at the same time giving me its re-energizing Earth energy.  This works much in the same way as it does with plants.  We breathe out toxic carbon dioxide and the plants take it in as food or nutrients and in return they give us back oxygen.  This relationship is therefore symbiotic.  So, by mentally connecting with the Earth, we are balancing ourselves with Oneness within our realty.

The next part of grounding is to mentally bring in energy from the Heavens.  It comes in through the top of my head and down the back of my spine and then up the front of my spine and back out the top of my head again.  This way, there is a conduit of flowing energy that is running through my body from both Heaven and Earth.

Finally, I imagine golden suns raining golden sunlight through my head and into my body.  This light is a renewing energy for the body and soul.

I still use this process almost daily.  It is the single most valuable technique I learned at the Institute, which has become instrumental in my grasp of all other concepts presented by BPI, such as healing and reading the energy of others.


In the three months following the initial Grounding series, I learned how to use the skills I had just been taught in the mediation classes to help heal people who were suffering from one thing or another.  It’s all a matter of reading and clearing out negative unwanted energy.  BPI taught me how to do this for those who want to be healed.  Once again, this has to do with grounding, and using the mind to see and feel the energy of another.  The process is too detailed to talk about in this blog post, but hopefully this is enough of an explanation to give you an idea of how it works.

Male/Female Energy

The final three months are composed of classes on managing your own energy, male or female.  This class taught me how to balance my own energy that is specific to being male.

Psychic Readings

We also did psychic readings for each other and learned to mentally feel the energy of a person, place, or event.  An example of this may be the ability to sense fear, worry, anger, happiness, confidence, or any other emotions when the person is not showing any physical signs of that emotion.  I know this has helped me immensely to improve my intuitive ability in dealing with people and situations on a daily basis.


BPI also taught us their version of how to manifest desires into reality.  I saw this as a unique method for using the law of attraction.

These are just summaries of the things I learned and, of course, there is much more detail.  Also, be careful trying to do any of these concepts on your own without a trained teacher — certain stuff that comes up in the process is best addressed by an experienced professional.  For example, I used to get an uncomfortable buildup of energy that felt stuck in my chest whenever I meditated too long.  I have not had this problem since I learned how to properly ground myself.

So, all in all, my experience with BPI was very pleasant and I would recommend this place to anyone who was interested in learning more.  (As a disclaimer, I only attended the Sacramento Branch of BPI, so I cannot speak for any other locations).  I feel that what I learned from BPI are invaluable psychic or spiritual fundamental skills that allow me to effectively manage my own energy both in this world and then next.  Again, I feel these skills are available for anyone to learn — you don’t need to have any visible psychic abilities to benefit from the ‘psychic kindergarten’ course.

Here is their contact information.  For those who are out of the area, I believe they do classes via Skype.  Also, one weekend per month, they hold a psychic fair where they offer inexpensive psychic readings.  Check out the links to their websites below and see if anything interests you.




Happy Manifesting…

Joe Rapisarda

Twitter @JoeRapisarda

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